21 Day Metabolism Reset Program

21 Day Metabolism Reset Program (for Women)

We Got You – You Got This!

You have been through COVID, home schooling and you know you have put yourself last at the expense of others. You have gained weight and now the kids are back at school, life is starting to get back to normal.

This is your time to move yourself up the ladder of importance and get back into shape again. We got you!

The next 21 days is about getting YOU back into a structure:  Focusing on 3 areas: Movement, Nutrition and Sleep.  We want you moving right and well with lots of stretching, mobility and core work to build the foundation FIRST. Our goal is to have more energy after you have finished your workout. Get your eating habits right that make a difference to your energy levels, your emotional wellbeing and your mental state. Finally, sleep is the one that when you get right will have you wanting to move more and eat better.


We are the #1 family PT Studio that specializes in supporting women/people who are struggling with their energy levels and this short 21-Day Met Reset Program promises to be fun and support you to create good, balanced and sustainable habits.


What this program is not:

To challenge you so much that you get more stressed than before you started.

To make you feel guilty because you didn’t complete everything you committed to

A rapid unsustainable weight loss program.


What the program is:

To build sensible exercise, nutrition and sleep habits to reset your metabolism and kick start your journey to sustainable health.

Give you simple tools and easy, bite-sized steps/strategies that are ideal for busy women/people in Hong Kong who have neglected themselves for too long to improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Training at least 2 x week for the next 21 days in a supportive community with qualified and experienced coaches.  

 A weekly nutrition and lifestyle webinar to answer any questions to optimize your eating and lifestyle habits for long lasting change.


Starts on 27th September – 17th October

Where: Online and at EPT Studio

How much: $3,300


What does it include:

2 x 60 minute Semi Private Personal Training sessions per week at EPT(4 per group)

In Depth Postural Assessment and goal setting session to design tailor - made program for next 3 weeks (45 min)

1 Nutrition Program/guidelines

7 - Day Food Rotation Menu (perfect to give to your helper to prepare)

Weekly Nutrition & Lifestyle Q&A Webinar

Online Fitness and Flexibility workouts for missed sessions or added sessions

21 Day Nutrition, Lifestyle & Exercise Manual

21 Day Itinerary of your training program