F.I.R.E. - Small Group P.T.

E.P.T’s Signature Small Group PT Program -

Functional Integrated Resistance Exercise (F.I.R.E.) promises to:

  • improve Posture & Strength

  • Return intelligent Movement &;

  • Be The Best Version Of Yourself

  • Train in a SMALL Group

NOT SURE? See What PEOPLE are saying BELOW



Step 1: Assess your posture FIRST & Set Your GOAL.

Step 2: Schedule in YOUR diary your times to create a HABIT

Step 3: Begin. Improve Posture. Build Strength. Commit to YOUR DIET & LIFESTYLE changes.

Step 4. DO THE WORK. This is YOUR journey - Stretch, Work out, Eat better, Get to bed earlier.

Step 6. Be Accountable…..don’t BUT take FULL responsibility for it.

Step 7. REPEAT Step 3-6.

Do I have My Own Personal Program?

Yes. Your program is based on your postural assessment. If we need to reassess your posture from time to time to ensure progress, you will be billed accordingly.

How often do I progress or change my program?

We will progress your program based on your consistency & strength every 4 weeks.

How many people are in each group?

You will have up to four(4) people with 1 Trainer ion your session (from time to time, someone will screw their time up so we won’t turn someone away who made the effort to be there to train)

Is it the same group of people every time?

The people may be the same each time or change depending on the time slots you choose.

How many times Do you recommend I should train per week?

We recommend 2-3 times per week. Most people attend two(2) times per week.

What happens if I travel?

In order for us to promise you results, we expect you to workout while traveling or on holidays.

You can either:

  1. Perform your program in a gym (We can upload your program up to our Online Training Platform);

2. Participate in anything else that you can do for 20 - 90 minutes(walk, sport, youtube…) or;

3. Be adventurous & find a fitness class that you have never tried before.

Are men & women mixed in the same group?

Yes, all classes are all gender inclusive.

Can I bring a friend?

Yes! Research has shown that you when you train with a friend, you have far more chance of succeeding than just doing it. on your own!
