Silly Season Salvation

It’s coming again…that time when you get invited to all these parties….but you want to look great in that little black, red or gold dress and feel healthy going into the New Year. Can you stay fit and still have fun? You bet your life, and here’s how:

Drink lots of water

Start your day with a couple of glasses of water, add lemon or ginger if you like, and carry water around with you wherever you go. Drinking a glass before meals will help to stop you eating too much as well, as often hunger is confused with thirst.

Eat lots of veggies

Make sure each meal you eat is full of vegetables as far as possible, to maximise your nutrient intake. Taking greens powder each day as well, is also an advisable health insurance. With colds and flu going around in winter, you want to ensure your immune system is up to scratch, so you are in tip-top shape for parties and exercise.

Get hiking!

Talking of exercise, if you have friends or family staying with you, you may not want to go off to the gym or do your usual exercise session, but a hike is a great way to get some exercise, fresh air and have quality time with your loved ones, plus you get to explore a little more of Hong Kong!

Be active

If a hike is a bridge too far for some of your house guests, then take them on a walk, go shopping, throw a ball, head to the beach, anything, just be active, rather than sitting on the sofa.

Get your exercise in early

Alcohol makes you tired and you won’t want to do much after having even just one glass of wine, so commit to getting your workout done first thing before any interruptions happen.

Don’t Stuff Yourself

Eat slowly and only until you are 80% full. Try to eat mindfully rather than mindlessly snacking.

Treat Yourself

You are bound to eat foods that you wouldn’t always eat at other times of the year, because they are delicious and we enjoy them.  Just make sure you choose your calories wisely and indulge in the treats you really love, and enjoy every mouthful!

Don’t go hungry or go to a party hungry

Keep snacks close. Prepare cut veggies like carrots, cucumber, broccoli or fruit like apples, oranges, bananas or raw nuts like almonds or cashews. Making sure you are satiated will ensure that you will resist unhealthy snacks or food.

Choose wisely

If you are being invited to a party or gathering almost every other night, drinking so frequently, will leave you tired, dehydrated, listless and less likely to keep to your exercise plan or healthy eating. So plan your occasions when you will drink alcohol and ones where you won’t. Scheduling an early morning session with a trainer or friend the next day is a good way to put you off indulging.

Sleep Well

Aim to sleep 7-8 hours each night or if not, get 20-minute snoozes during the day where possible.  Even meditate for 2- 20 minutes throughout the day. Try using the Address Stress App if you are new to meditation (which you can get from EPT).  Get to bed by 10.30pm and if it is after 10.30pm then try making a positive affirmation before you go to bed, because your last thought before bed is the first thought you have in the morning.


Try an affirmation such as:

“No matter how much sleep I am getting now, no matter how restless my sleep is, I will spring out of bed in the morning to meet the day head-on.  I will not allow anything to get in the way of achieving my goals tomorrow.”