1 of My Close Circle Caught COVID; 6 Pillars of Health To Stay STRONG & HEALTHY

Hi there

It was going to happen at some point, you have probably got friends too –  someone in my household caught COVID. 

My helper tested positive a few weeks ago. We did all the right things that the government asked for – Tested using the RAT, tested officially at a designated site, she has been isolated from the rest of the family in her room. Apart from a sore throat and a fever she got over it and now is better. 

Our family is yet to catch it and we are all continually been tested due to the new policies for schools and working at the Hong Kong Country Club BUT I have to say it - I believe we will all catch this virus at some point.  This is not going away and like many viruses, this s not going away anytime soon.

So….what can we do about it?

There is a lot actually.

To reduce the effects of any contagion is ensure that your body is vital and  you are energetic and not being tired.  If you are tired a lot DO keep reading.

Firstly, it's important to stay calm.  Keep in mind that taking care of your health will put you in a strong position to fight it if and when you get it. FYI, the less stress you are under, the stronger your body is to fight.  BTW keeping your hands, eyes & nose clean is also important to reduce the impact of the infection AND taking care  of our 6 health pillars - Mindset, Breathing, Hydration, Nutrition, Movement, Sleep.

Of these, the MAIN 3 pillars that heal the body are:

1. Hydration, 

2. Nutrition, 

3. Sleep. 

Even though the quantity and quality of no.3 is the MOST important of all to keep up your energy but flushing your body with good quality mineral water (Hydration),  regular cold showers has shown to boost immunity as well as eating high quality, nutrient rich, organic food (Nutrition) as often as possible and having high quality supplements like Multi-vitamins.

I use Good Green Vitality)MagnesiumVitamin BVitamin D3, Zinc may help. Do see a doctor if symptoms are severe. In relation to exercise, it’s important to keep the heart rate low. Work in exercises can support your healing like yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Stretching, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique or Breathwork is ideal until energy levels begin to return.

NOTE: Most  videos are between 1-5 mins so are easy to slot in between breaks,  when you have 5 min to yourself.

I have been practicing all of the methods & tips/tricks in my Youtube videos over the lifetime of being a Holistic PT.

Stay healthy, Stay happy

Nate Solia

IMS Level 2, HLC 2, BA Leis Mgmt 

Owner & Founder