Stressed out to Train? You might be training the WRONG way..Try this method out

One group of clients that I typically see are men who are either:

 stressed out

 exhausted

 have ‘weekend warrior’ injuries

 have a ‘niggle’ that has become worse as time has progressed ie

back ache, knee problems

 wanting to lose some weight

 wanting to get fit so they can play football with their kids

They often attend a gym or go for a run/walk 1-2 times per week when

they have time, but it doesn’t quite solve the issues that they are

becoming more aware of.

Typically, this results in the man being grumpy, unsatisfied of where they

are, frustrated at their current situation. The story I hear is “I am tired of

not being able to keep up with my kids!”

Many “transformation” programs start out too hard, not assessing where

their clients health (on a daily drug, feels run down and easily picks up

bugs or has aches and pain) and don’t look at their current physiological

load(PL) is on their body(work stress/eating garbage food/ staying up

late) leading people to show up late, cancel and go to crickets when their

trainer reaches out to book in their next session.

I know it’s not easy but nor is being stressed out, in pain & grumpy all of

time(apart from when you have had a few drinks)

What many of our clients need FIRST is to build their energy levels up

first. This can be done through stretching, mobility, core stability and

“Work in”(energizing programs) to start with. The goal is to have enough

energy to last the day then thrive then increase and progress your

physical program 1-3% of what you did last time. If you can’t, you need

to REST.

Then once your energy begins to increase, you can begin increasing the

physiological load on the body PROVIDING you have begun decreasing

the PL in other areas of your life.

Add in LITTLE tweaks to your diet and lifestyle like drinking the right

amount of water(Body wgt(kg) x .03), getting to bed on time and

investing in a nutribullet to optimise your nutrient intake.

Lastly, look for good lifestyle habits being formed:

You are walking 1 more day per week than normal, I am going to the

gym 2 times per week for the past month/3/6/12 months, I am eating

more veges in every meal.

Notice physiological improvements:

I have more energy, I am sleeping better, I am happier more often and

don’t get triggered by “catastrophes” at work/home. Your back or joints

doesn’t feel so sore.

NOT how much weight you have lost…..