Trigger Point Therapy: A Key to Alleviating Chronic Pain and Boosting Muscle Function

Trigger Point Therapy: A Key to Alleviating Chronic Pain and Boosting Muscle Function

At the heart of effective pain management and muscle rehabilitation lies Trigger Point Therapy—a targeted approach that centres on addressing and treating trigger points. These are the tight, knotted areas within muscles that, when pressured, can produce either localized discomfort or referred pain. Understanding and treating these knots not only helps in alleviating immediate pain but also plays a significant role in enhancing overall muscle function and mobility.

Mindset Mastery: The foundations of wellness

In the pursuit of better health and wellness, we often focus on diet and exercise, overlooking the powerful role of mindset. Yet, our mindset shapes our beliefs, behaviours, and ultimately, our outcomes. In this blog post, we'll delve into the importance of mindset in achieving health goals, explore strategies for cultivating a positive mindset, and draw inspiration from real-life stories of individuals who have transformed their health through mindset shifts.

The Power of Mindset:

Our mindset influences how we perceive challenges and setbacks. A positive mindset enables us to view obstacles as opportunities for growth, while a negative mindset can hinder progress and lead to self-sabotage. Research shows that individuals with a growth mindset—believing that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—are more likely to succeed in achieving their goals.

Strategies and Actionable Steps for Cultivating a Positive Mindset:

Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude by reflecting on the things you're thankful for each day. Gratitude shifts our focus from what's lacking to what we have, fostering a positive outlook on life.

Reflect on Past Successes: Every morning, jot down one past achievement that required effort and perseverance.

Challenge Limiting Beliefs: Identify and challenge limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from reaching your health goals. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations and empowering beliefs that align with your aspirations.

Question Your Inner Critic: When you encounter self-doubt, ask yourself, "Is this thought based on facts or feelings?"

Visualisation and Affirmations: Visualize your success and use positive affirmations to reinforce your belief in your ability to achieve your health goals. Visualization techniques can help create a mental blueprint for success and boost confidence.

Create a Vision Board: Compile images and quotes that represent your health goals and the positive mindset you aspire to have.

Surround Yourself with Positivity: Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you. Seek out supportive communities, mentors, or role models who share similar health goals and values.

Curate Your Social Media: Follow accounts that inspire and motivate you towards a healthier lifestyle.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion, especially during setbacks or challenging times.

Implement a ‘Kindness Pause’: When you notice self-criticism, pause for a moment and ask, “What would I tell a friend in this situation?” Speak to yourself with the same kindness and patience.

In the journey towards better health and wellness, cultivating a positive mindset is paramount. By adopting a growth mindset, challenging limiting beliefs, and drawing inspiration from others, we can overcome mental barriers and unlock our full potential. Remember, true wellness begins from within, and it all starts with mastering your mindset.

Take the Next Step with EPT

You've learned about the power of a positive mindset and the actionable steps you can take right now to foster it. But why stop there? At EPT, we believe in the synergy of body, mind, and nutrition to create the ultimate wellness experience.

We invite you to dive deeper into your holistic health journey with us. Our team of expert trainers, nutritionists, and mindfulness coaches are passionate about working alongside you to develop a personalized plan that addresses:

  • Physical Fitness: Tailored exercise programs that fit your unique body and goals.

  • Nutrition: Guidance on eating habits that nourish your body and amplify your energy.

  • Mindfulness: Techniques to help you maintain a positive and resilient mindset.

Join us and embrace a way of living where every action and thought contributes to your wellness. Harmony between mind and body isn't just a goal; it's a continuous, joyful journey.

🌟 Connect with EPT Today

Why, How What is the Value of Water by Nate Solia

Drinking water is so important for good health.

Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and

your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. Your body needs water to

regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your

organs. Water also transports oxygen to your cells, removes waste, and protects your

joints and organs.

It’s easier than you think to get dehydrated

We begin to get dehydrated and our performance drops off with just so much as a 2%

water loss. When you have as much as 5% water loss you will be very ill and with 10%

you can die.

Signs of Dehydration

You lose water through urination, respiration, and by sweating

If you are very active, you lose more water than if you are sedentary. Diuretics such as

caffeine pills and alcohol result in the need to drink more water.

Symptoms of mild dehydration include chronic pains in joints and muscles, lower back

pain, headaches and constipation. A strong odor to your urine, along with a yellow or

amber color indicates that you may not be getting enough water. Note that riboflavin, a B

Vitamin, will make your urine bright yellow. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration and

in fact, you need water long before you feel thirsty.

No water, no go....

What happens to your body when you’re dehydrated?

 Your brain won’t work properly – you’ll be groggy, slow, and feel out of it

 You’ll lose muscle tone

 Your kidneys won’t be able to function; toxins and wastes will back up in your

body, making you feel generally crummy

 You’ll have trouble regulating your body temperature; you make feel overheated,

or you may feel chronically cold and unable to get warm.

 You’ll get constipated

 Fats stored in your body won’t get used up or metabolized

 You’ll think you’re hungry all the time, and so you’ll be likely to eat more

 Your skin will get dry, itchy, and saggy

How Much Water do You Need to Drink?

A good estimate is to take your body weight in pounds and divide that number in half.

That gives you the number of ounces (1 oz=29ml approx)) of water per day that you

need to drink. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80

ounces (8 glasses of 300ml) of water per day.

And, they also recommend greatly increasing the amount of water you drink when:

 You’re exercising

 The weather is warm

 You’re on a high fiber diet or taking a fiber supplement.

 You’re trying to lose weight. You’re in a high altitude area.

 You’re traveling, especially in airplanes where the same air is re-circulated. You

spend most of your time indoors, where there’s little fresh air.

 You have an acute illness – like a cold or a bladder infection. Fevers, vomiting,


So here are some suggestions:

 Keep a water bottle with you..

 Make it a point to drink two glasses of water 15 minutes before your meals. It will

help with increasing the stomach juices to prepare for food and help hydrate your

large intestine for digestion.

 Try to do most of your drinking in the morning and early afternoon so there’s time

for all that water to be eliminated before bedtime.

 Don’t waste your drinking efforts on things that won’t help – coffee, many teas,

colas, etc. A smaller amount of water will do you more good than a larger amount

of many other beverages.

How do you know if you’re not getting enough water?

Check off the questions that you can answer "yes" to:

Drinking enough?

____Is your skin dry? If you wrinkle it or pinch it, does it take awhile to "bounce "back"

____Is your urine dark? (It should be a light yellow in color)

____Do you get an unusually high number of bladder stones or bladder infections?

____Are you frequently constipated?

____Do you get groggy or headachy part way through the day?

____Do you have a lot of trouble staying cool – or keeping warm?

A "yes" to any one of these questions can mean you’re not getting enough water.

However, don’t kid yourself – every one of these problems or complaints can also be

caused by something other than dehydration. So Try water first, if that doesn’t help, see

your doctor.

Nate Solia is Corrective Exercise Specialist & Nutrition Lifestyle Coach with over 20

years of experience training 1000’s of people in Hong Kong &v abroad. He has

supported many up 85 years old with Exercise & their health.

He is also one of the PT’s at HKCC.

Stressed out to Train? You might be training the WRONG way..Try this method out

One group of clients that I typically see are men who are either:

 stressed out

 exhausted

 have ‘weekend warrior’ injuries

 have a ‘niggle’ that has become worse as time has progressed ie

back ache, knee problems

 wanting to lose some weight

 wanting to get fit so they can play football with their kids

They often attend a gym or go for a run/walk 1-2 times per week when

they have time, but it doesn’t quite solve the issues that they are

becoming more aware of.

Typically, this results in the man being grumpy, unsatisfied of where they

are, frustrated at their current situation. The story I hear is “I am tired of

not being able to keep up with my kids!”

Many “transformation” programs start out too hard, not assessing where

their clients health (on a daily drug, feels run down and easily picks up

bugs or has aches and pain) and don’t look at their current physiological

load(PL) is on their body(work stress/eating garbage food/ staying up

late) leading people to show up late, cancel and go to crickets when their

trainer reaches out to book in their next session.

I know it’s not easy but nor is being stressed out, in pain & grumpy all of

time(apart from when you have had a few drinks)

What many of our clients need FIRST is to build their energy levels up

first. This can be done through stretching, mobility, core stability and

“Work in”(energizing programs) to start with. The goal is to have enough

energy to last the day then thrive then increase and progress your

physical program 1-3% of what you did last time. If you can’t, you need

to REST.

Then once your energy begins to increase, you can begin increasing the

physiological load on the body PROVIDING you have begun decreasing

the PL in other areas of your life.

Add in LITTLE tweaks to your diet and lifestyle like drinking the right

amount of water(Body wgt(kg) x .03), getting to bed on time and

investing in a nutribullet to optimise your nutrient intake.

Lastly, look for good lifestyle habits being formed:

You are walking 1 more day per week than normal, I am going to the

gym 2 times per week for the past month/3/6/12 months, I am eating

more veges in every meal.

Notice physiological improvements:

I have more energy, I am sleeping better, I am happier more often and

don’t get triggered by “catastrophes” at work/home. Your back or joints

doesn’t feel so sore.

NOT how much weight you have lost…..

Best Time To Stretch

Stretching is ESSENTIAL for health.  It's innate to stretch. When you wake up in the

morning, what is the first thing you do? When you are sitting at your desk too long,

who feels like stretching their arms above their head?

Stretching is important for: 

1. Easing aches & pain,

2. Awakening the body & mind

3. Digestion

4. Circulation

5. Enhancing physical performance

6. Joint health

7. Reducing injuries and much more...  

Here are the best times to stretch:

1. Just before bed

The is the no.1 time as your body is resting and healing and once stretched, your

muscles will heal in a lengthened stated while sleeping.  We heal when we we sleep.

It will also improve your sleep

2.  As you wake up

It will awaken the nervous system, get muscles & joints mobile, even awaken the

digestive system ready for food.

3. 2-3 hours after exercise

You may stretch immediately after exercise but I find the best time is after the

muscles have lost "their pump" and can optimise the stretch.

4. 20-60 minutes before exercise

This can be controversial as static stretching(holding muscles in a stretched state

can shut muscles down and be prone to injury but if you use"dynamic stretching"

Moving muscles and joints through a full range of motion can reduce the chance of

injury when exercising.

5. When your feel aches & pain

It's a no brainer.  Stretching 99 times out of 100 will ease muscle ache & join pain.

6. When you are tired - usually sitting down for long periods of time

This will awaken your mind and your body.

Want to be stretched out? Call us on 25529925 or contact your Trainer for our

Stretch class or have your own personal stretch session.

My Cousin Died Aged 37. There Are Lessons To Be Learnt Here. Here They Are

I have sad news that my cousin died of a brain hemorrhage aged 37 last week.  She left behind 5 kids and a husband.  A successful entrepreneur with a thriving restaurant and was just about to open a sports store too.  

I was sad and angry.  

Sad because we were close, she was too young to die. Angry because she reached out to me in January during the lockdown to support her online with her health & fitness. She signed up for online training, started training but it was short lived citing " I am too busy"  or " I am too tired" or "it's just not the right time right now".  In addition,  I was being "nice" by not holding her accountable to her goals. In Nua's case, hindsight was hopeless.

She had high blood pressure and she needed to stop living the way she was living. Working hard, staying up late, juggling a crazy home life until she was taken to hospital where the doctors couldn't save her. I can't help think life could have been different if I spoke up and said enough is enough and its time to change.....but I didn't and now she's gone.

In Hong Kong, I have seen many people over the past 21 years, who know they need to make the changes but pull out because they are "Too tired", "Have no time", "No energy", the stories go on.  For those people who choose to burn themselves out & have a "sleep when I am dead" mentality, consider what life will be like without you being around......and it's just not sustainable into your 40's+.  You might get lucky and last all the way until you're 80 but then again, you may not. But if you continue on the lifestyle that we lived in our 20's & 30's, it is likely that you won't. Believe it.

So next time, you think that you should move more, eat better, lead a healthier lifestyle and then your other little voice says: "Oh, i am too tired", "Man, I have no energy" or the one we control the most is "I don't have time" think of of your 1st thought and who should you do it for.

In order have sustained fun while living longer,  my personal advice is to:

1. Plan your week that includes more movement, planned breakfast, lunch and dinner breaks. Write down your WHY & put all of this in your diary, into reality.

2. Move more. You don't have time to exercise? Then start little.  Try a minute today, 2 minutes tomorrow.  Utilize your travel to involve walking each day. Enroll your family, friends and colleagues in what you want to do. Have a training buddy or have a PT that will hold you accountable.  You don't have energy?  Start with slow walking, light weights, Qi Gong, Pilates, Yoga and start with just enough that you feel energized not wiped out and build up intensity from there.

3. Eat well 80% of the time so that it soaks up the 20% of the time of eating rubbish foods. You can still eat good food that is healthy.

4.  Drink good quality water - Evian, Australian Spring Water, Volvic are high quality mineral water brand.  Add a pinch of sea salt or use Restore  (its been a game changer for me to stay hydrated) to your water. Drink half your body weight in ounces/day FORMULA for kgs: BW(kg) x .03 = ideal water each day.  NOTE: There is no substitute to plain water.  No juice, soft drink, alcohol. 

5. Have down time in your day for as long as you can afford.  High stress causes all sorts of problems - depression/anxiety, high blood pressure, really high or really low energy, and even, poor sex drive.  Reading a book, watching the sunrise/sunset, meditating, or breath-work are all powerful ways to bring stress levels down.  These are not hard to do. They just take planning & execution.

6. Get quality and quantity of sleep.  Everyone is different but if you wake up to an alarm everyday, you may find you are not getting enough sleep. 7-8 hours are standard. Quality can  be dictated by how much alcohol you drink, lacking in magnesium or an overactive mind.  Lots of stuff out there on how to improve your sleep and if you need help watch my video on it. Get to bed on time: 1030pm is ideal, 1am is not. 

7. Finally, have time for your loved ones.  You can make all the money you want but you will never get back precious time with those special people.  Appreciate the little moments.  My 10 year old, daughter clips my beard once a week and as she is clipping it, I look at her face, her eyes, her lips, her ears. I marvel how much she has grown up.  These moments are priceless.  If you don't find these moments like this fulfilling enough, consider seeking mindset support. We all need it.  Courses I have done are by Tony 

Robbins, Landmark Forum, Psychologists, Mens group, my mates, priests, even strangers.  I have learnt being in your head can be a dangerous place to be. 

R.I.P. Nua, you will be remembered and I promise you, so will your legacy.

1 of My Close Circle Caught COVID; 6 Pillars of Health To Stay STRONG & HEALTHY

Hi there

It was going to happen at some point, you have probably got friends too –  someone in my household caught COVID. 

My helper tested positive a few weeks ago. We did all the right things that the government asked for – Tested using the RAT, tested officially at a designated site, she has been isolated from the rest of the family in her room. Apart from a sore throat and a fever she got over it and now is better. 

Our family is yet to catch it and we are all continually been tested due to the new policies for schools and working at the Hong Kong Country Club BUT I have to say it - I believe we will all catch this virus at some point.  This is not going away and like many viruses, this s not going away anytime soon.

So….what can we do about it?

There is a lot actually.

To reduce the effects of any contagion is ensure that your body is vital and  you are energetic and not being tired.  If you are tired a lot DO keep reading.

Firstly, it's important to stay calm.  Keep in mind that taking care of your health will put you in a strong position to fight it if and when you get it. FYI, the less stress you are under, the stronger your body is to fight.  BTW keeping your hands, eyes & nose clean is also important to reduce the impact of the infection AND taking care  of our 6 health pillars - Mindset, Breathing, Hydration, Nutrition, Movement, Sleep.

Of these, the MAIN 3 pillars that heal the body are:

1. Hydration, 

2. Nutrition, 

3. Sleep. 

Even though the quantity and quality of no.3 is the MOST important of all to keep up your energy but flushing your body with good quality mineral water (Hydration),  regular cold showers has shown to boost immunity as well as eating high quality, nutrient rich, organic food (Nutrition) as often as possible and having high quality supplements like Multi-vitamins.

I use Good Green Vitality)MagnesiumVitamin BVitamin D3, Zinc may help. Do see a doctor if symptoms are severe. In relation to exercise, it’s important to keep the heart rate low. Work in exercises can support your healing like yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Stretching, Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique or Breathwork is ideal until energy levels begin to return.

NOTE: Most  videos are between 1-5 mins so are easy to slot in between breaks,  when you have 5 min to yourself.

I have been practicing all of the methods & tips/tricks in my Youtube videos over the lifetime of being a Holistic PT.

Stay healthy, Stay happy

Nate Solia

IMS Level 2, HLC 2, BA Leis Mgmt 

Owner & Founder


Save Time

No.1 reason why clients train online Saving >1hr in travel & changing time is a BIG deal when you limited time

Break Up Your Day.

Many our WFH clients complain that they are ALWAYS working so blocking out time to workout with your coach mean you are have a "meeting" to attend.

Get Accurate Feedback

When cameras are set up right, the coach can accurately give feedback on posture, form throughout the set and preventing injury.

All you need is a device (Computer/Ipad/TV) & a stable connection. Remember consistency & persistency = success.

Have Little or No equipment, No Problem!

Our coaches are trained to provide a workout tailored to your body with a detailed Postural Assessment BEFORE you have your 1st session - PA can be done at your place, at our studio or online & without equipment. NOTE: the quality & variety of your training will increase with just the add a small amount of equipment - Swiss ball, light dumbbells, biofeedback mechanism.

Working from Home Tips that Will Keep Your Energy Levels Up.

Working from home inspires me into more of the little things that I can do to keep moving the needle and keeping me in the right frame of mind.  

Try these out. 

Each day, I think of other ways to optimize my energy levels and stay upbeat.  Here are my top 4 right now:

  1. Have a cold shower in the morning/afternoon/after your workout is one of the most uplifting parts to my day.  Not because I look forward to it but what it does to my body - boosts my mood for starters and wakes me up.  The other benefits is that it boosts your immune system, rejuvenates your skin, oxygenates your organs and boosts your “drive” if you know what I mean….I like this 1st thing in the morning but I can easily just jump in the shower in the afternoon to give me a little boost before the evening.  For more on the benefits of the cold, check out Vim Hof Method.  Extraordinary!.I do anywhere between 3-10 minutes daily but take your time to buil;d this from 10 seconds.

  1. Breathwork is an amazing way to oxygenate your body.  Try taking 30 - 40 deep, forceful breaths.  In through your nose and out through your mouth and see how that awakens your body. I do this anywhere between 2-5 minutes a day.

  1. An afternoon siesta.  According to Matt Walker’s book, Why We Sleep.  We are supposed to be having 2 times in the 24 hours cycle where we sleep.  1 during the night and the other anytime after lunch.  It can be anywhere from 15-60 minutes….if you can get away with that.  I admit I don’t do this everyday but if I am tired and rather reach for another coffee, I will have a short nap to charge my batteries.

  1. Planning 15 minutes in between meetings can allow you to get out of your chair to be active. This is also a difficult one for me BUT I am getting better at planning breaks in between to just switch off for 15 minutes.  Master this and you will live your life calm and with ease. Try this short 5 min workout to get your energy levels up.

For more links on how we support destressing the body & mind go to our youtube channel.

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Double-click here to add a video by URL or embed code. Learn more

You know what we do, Now share it with a friend!

Our program promises to:

1. Increase energy - Have vitality to engage with your family, improve performance at work, to inspire your co-workers, inspire your family  

2. Decrease Stress - Eliminate the overwhelm by improving your sleep and lifestyle to make better life/work choices.

3. Decrease  joint pain and muscle aches by improving posture and your diet.

4. Increase Strength by stretching, mobilising and stabilising the body first before progressing into strengthening an ageing body.

We are a Family Personal Training Studio that specializes in corrective exercise and holistic health. 

As a friend of our client, we are offering you a very powerful gift, our unique Postural Assessment where you will get a roadmap to recovery and back to a fully functional body to do the fun active stuff again. Whether that is running, playing soccer or just playing with your kids, we promise that you will have a clear plan to achieve this that your friend has.

 AND we also have an Osteopath that can support you and provide rehabilitation that may be covered under your insurance plan. 

So fill in the form below and let your friend know you will come along with them next week for your complimentary Postural Assessment & roadmap back to recovery. 

Offer is only valid from 27th – 30th Sept at limited timeslots so GET IN EARLY to take this gift of health.  You won’t regret it!

21 Day Metabolism Reset Program

21 Day Metabolism Reset Program (for Women)

We Got You – You Got This!

You have been through COVID, home schooling and you know you have put yourself last at the expense of others. You have gained weight and now the kids are back at school, life is starting to get back to normal.

This is your time to move yourself up the ladder of importance and get back into shape again. We got you!

The next 21 days is about getting YOU back into a structure:  Focusing on 3 areas: Movement, Nutrition and Sleep.  We want you moving right and well with lots of stretching, mobility and core work to build the foundation FIRST. Our goal is to have more energy after you have finished your workout. Get your eating habits right that make a difference to your energy levels, your emotional wellbeing and your mental state. Finally, sleep is the one that when you get right will have you wanting to move more and eat better.


We are the #1 family PT Studio that specializes in supporting women/people who are struggling with their energy levels and this short 21-Day Met Reset Program promises to be fun and support you to create good, balanced and sustainable habits.


What this program is not:

To challenge you so much that you get more stressed than before you started.

To make you feel guilty because you didn’t complete everything you committed to

A rapid unsustainable weight loss program.


What the program is:

To build sensible exercise, nutrition and sleep habits to reset your metabolism and kick start your journey to sustainable health.

Give you simple tools and easy, bite-sized steps/strategies that are ideal for busy women/people in Hong Kong who have neglected themselves for too long to improve their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Training at least 2 x week for the next 21 days in a supportive community with qualified and experienced coaches.  

 A weekly nutrition and lifestyle webinar to answer any questions to optimize your eating and lifestyle habits for long lasting change.


Starts on 27th September – 17th October

Where: Online and at EPT Studio

How much: $3,300


What does it include:

2 x 60 minute Semi Private Personal Training sessions per week at EPT(4 per group)

In Depth Postural Assessment and goal setting session to design tailor - made program for next 3 weeks (45 min)

1 Nutrition Program/guidelines

7 - Day Food Rotation Menu (perfect to give to your helper to prepare)

Weekly Nutrition & Lifestyle Q&A Webinar

Online Fitness and Flexibility workouts for missed sessions or added sessions

21 Day Nutrition, Lifestyle & Exercise Manual

21 Day Itinerary of your training program

Youth FIRE 6 - week Rugby Specific Strength & Conditioning Program

Starts 4th October – 6th November

Imagine your teenager now able to match and compete with the bigger teens.  They now have confidence and power in their tackling.  They are stronger to protect the ball at the breakdown and have no problems clearing out the ruck.  The other kids are actually are scared of your boy because of their superhuman strength.  Nothing has changed at rugby training but what has changed is your teen has added strength & conditioning to their weekly training. 

Strength in sport is the maximum force an athlete can exert with his or her whole body, or part of the body, irrespective of body size or muscle size.  It is the main ingredient in rugby.


We are running a special 6 - week S&C Program so your teen will not only be learning how to use their body in a way to optimize their strength through proper technique such squatting, lunging, pushing and pulling but they will also improve their stability and reduce their chance of injury in Rugby. 


Starts: 4th October – 6th November

When: Monday to Friday at 4:30pm, Sat at 10:30am, 11:30am & 1:30pm

Where: Elite Personal Training

How much: $1,500 (1 x week) $2,850 (2 x week)

When: Wed, 430pm – 5.30pm & Sat, 10.30am – 11.30am

Sign up here or call 25529925.

Why do we often say that, “Movement is Life” ?

Etienne Simonnet

Have you ever heard the sentence “movement is life” and wondered why or how? Some people might think that it is logic without looking for the explanation, some others will be sceptical, thinking that they usually get injured because of some certain movements.


Today, we will review the how, and also explain the distinction between the healthy and the injury-prone mobilisation of our joints, and various methods of treatment.


Our body has the ability to achieve smooth movement like a well-oiled machine thanks to a liquid present in our joints: the synovial fluid. The cartilage present at the surface of our bones making up our joints is filled with it, representing 80% of the cartilage volume. This fluid plays an essential role in lubricating joints and therefore, supporting weight.

It is important to note that cartilage is porous, so our synovial fluid leaks out of its holes every day. Continuous loss of the fluid leads to considerable decrease in cartilage thickness, and therefore an increase in friction between joint surfaces. The loss of cartilage through this friction can lead to Osteoarthritis, the most common type of arthritis. To illustrate, picture a tire with holes letting air escape; it would lose pressure and no longer be able to support the weight of the car. Cartilage works the same way- once fluid flows out of it, it can’t support load anymore. (Davide Burris, Mechanical engineer, U. of Delaware).


Therefore, the question remains: How do we drive fluid back into the cartilage?


Let’s use our tire analogy again, but this time, the car is driving on a wet road. Pressure (hydrodynamic) accumulates as water is squeezed into the gap located in between the road and the tire. As the speed increases, pressure builds up within the tire and can fully support the weight of the car at some point. The car is more or less physically “gliding”, or hydroplaning.


Now back to our cartilage being porous, researchers have found that a superior speed of movement is needed for the same phenomenon to occur with the synovial fluid in our joints. In a research focused on knee joints, it was calculated that at a sliding speed of 60 millimetres per second, the synovial was not leaking out and had the capacity to support our weight. That sliding speed more or less corresponds to our normal, walking pattern.


With this understanding and additional studies, researchers have been able to prove that physical activity is not necessarily injurious, and to the contrary, the more active you are the more you will decrease the risks of Osteoarthritis.


These results can help us change our perception concerning the approach of dealing with our bodily pain, and the adaptation of our physical activity management. However, if you are not sure about the nature of your symptoms, it is important to screen them by a medical manual therapist.


Beyond the above reason of a lack of basic physical activity, joint aches can also be due to an isolated inflammation of the synovial fluid.


This process, Synovitis, can often be triggered in healthy, active persons who are subject to repetitive movements such as fitness exercise (squats, shoulder/chest presses, etc.).


An active individual can also develop such symptoms if he has an unbalanced pelvis, increasing weight bearing on one leg more than another (to be diagnosed by a medical manual therapist).

This kind of overload process is also regularly triggered in overweight individuals. Both cases might show swelling of the joint depending on the severity of the fluid inflammation.

Regarding  the treatment of Synovitis, manual therapy is needed to increase the spaces in the joint capsule in order to relieve the inflammation. Therapy also allows the balancing of weight bearing asymmetries through structural reorganisation and adaptation. Anti-inflammatory drugs will help to decrease painful symptoms, however, they are only a short-term fix and will not lead to recovery in most cases.






  1. David Burris, University of Delaware


  1. Daniele Dini, Tribologist, Imperial College London


  1. Charles Q. Choi, Scientific NY Times

Functional Medicine Health History Coaching Session:

Prior to this in depth 75 minutes session you will complete a detailed questionnaire

highlighting your health history and logging your symptoms. The frequency and intensity of

the symptoms you are experiencing will also be rated. In addition, if you have recent lab

work this will be analysed in advance and discussed in the session. During the session your

coach will ask questions to delve deeper into understanding your unique situation and

suggest possible root causes and nutrient deficiencies underlying your health challenges.

Finally, you will receive a Zoom recording and summary notes suggesting simple lifestyle

and dietary changes, supplements and further tests you may need.

Cost: $2000